Leeds at the World Championships

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Day Three

With three victories under our belt, Leeds topped their initial pool and moved into the top half of the tournament. In our second 'power' pool we were to face two Austrlian teams and two top North American teams.

First up were Team Fisher Price from Vancouver. They came at us first with a junk defense which we handled pretty easily. We traded points for the first half, with Christian Nistri and Phil Milburn-McNulty getting some big blocks on their Furious George players. After the half however, the Canadians showed their class and stepped their defence up a gear. We finished with a 17-10 loss.

Second game of the day was against Bootius Maximus, the top seeded Australian team from Brisbane. Leeds played okay but always seemed a step behind and numerous errors were punished by the aussies. This was a really disappointing loss for Leeds.

MVPs for this day were Anita Beck and Richard Shortridge.


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